Class Offerings

During COVID, I started leading classes for my neighbors, which were run by a small donation to make yoga more accessible to everyone. Now, they are open to the public, wherever you are! We practice in a small group setting where everyone can enjoy personal attention. Customized options and modifications for asanas are offered throughout the class to meet students’ specific needs. Drop-ins are welcome. My goal is to create a safe space for a regular practice of yoga that supports everyone’s wellness—in mind and body.


Gentle Yoga

Every Tuesday 9-10 am (U.S. Pacific), virtual

A 60-minute Zoom class specifically designed for older adults or people undergoing medical treatment or recovering from injury or surgery.

Click here to inquire for more details about this offering.

Outdoor Hatha for Active Older Adults

Every Friday 12-1 pm, in-person

A mixed-level Hatha yoga class. We meet at a stadium in Golden Gate Park.

Click here to learn more about this offering.

Mixed Level Yoga

Every other Monday, 8:30-9:30 am (U.S. Pacific), virtual

Hatha poses are taught with options for beginners to advanced students. Traditional Integral-style class includes deep relaxation, breathing practice, and a brief meditation.

Classes are taught through the Integral Yoga Institute SF. Drop-ins are welcome, register here!

Gentle/Chair Yoga at On Lok Senior Center

Every Wednesday, 2:30-3:30 pm (U.S. Pacific), in-person (30th Street Center)

Every Thursday, 10:45-11:30 (30th Street Center/PACE), or 10:30-11:30 (Excelsior PACE)

These classes are offered through various On Lok Senior Center and PACE Healthcare Services locations in San Francisco, and feature gentle yoga for seniors. Includes movement in a chair, as well as standing postures using a chair for support.

This class is only for On Lok/PACE members—if you’re interested in learning more about their center (and other activities offered), click below.

Register for classes here!

Chair Yoga at Openhouse + On Lok Community Day Service 

Tuesday, 11:00 am-noon, in-person

Small group chair yoga class at a safe and life-affirming space dedicated to LGBTQ seniors to maintain wellness while nurturing connection in the community.

If you’re interested in learning more about their program, please contact Openhouse + On Lok CDS

Learn more here.

Himawarikai Beginners Yoga Workshop (ひまわり会初心者向けヨガ教室)

Friday 9-10 am (U.S. Pacific), virtual on Zoom

ベイエリアに住む日本語を話す人たちの交流の場を広げるNPO、ひまわり会を通じて日本語でハタヨガのクラスを提供しています。年間を通じて 5週間コースを繰り返し行っており、各コースが始まる前週の体験クラスは 無料です。 Contact Me のフォームでお問合せ下さい。

A series of 5 workshops on Zoom for beginners taught in Japanese. Contact me or Himawarikai for more information!

Private / Semi-Private Yoga & Yoga Therapy Sessions

I am also offering one-on-one and small group sessions that have openings. Please inquire using the contact form.

Note: I believe no one should be turned away from receiving the benefits of yoga just because they cannot afford the cost. Please ask me about my sliding scale and discounts.